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Save Your Money and Pass Matric Maths at Home!

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Ashleigh Koopman








More Details

This course is amazing not only because I said so but because of what other Matric Pure Maths students have said. They said it's very useful and it helps them to understand the concepts. They also said they liked the examples in the course it really helped them to understand.

You get endless replay, at any time, in the comfort of your own bedroom. You get a FREE memory card or USB if you buy the course on those devices. You can then put movies or series on the remaining space of the memory card or USB because it's yours.

There are 4 options of how you can access it: Memory Stick, Memory Card, DVDs and online on Udemy. The first 3 are offline so that means once you have purchased it, it will be delivered to you in a box. Then you can watch it on your laptop or Cellphone, completely offline. The last option which is online which means you need to have a lot of data. You will get instant access to it as soon as you purchase it on Udemy.

The full course covers the whole Matric Maths syllabus. All the topics you are supposed to do in Matric are covered in the course.

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